
Zhao Yang already picked up the glass, and his lips almost touched the glass' edge when Lai Jiayi suddenly shouted,

"W-wait, boss!"

Her loud shout startled the guy. He almost dropped the glass in his hand.

"...yes?" Zhao Yang tightened his grip on the glass as he slowly put it down.

The man didn't drink his alcohol yet.


Lai Jiayi instantly celebrated in her heart as she tried to find a reason for her loud shout earlier.

"Uh...that...b-boss asked me something before...w-what is it?" Lai Jiayi fiddled with her hair as she kept her alcohol away from her body.

This way, she won't subconsciously drink it, and Zhao Yang wouldn't drink it before she drank the alcohol.

That's what she hoped.

"...question?" Zhao Yang tilted his head. He crossed his legs and casually propped his left elbow on the table counter.

'Is the question...the one I asked her before the alcohol arrives? Then…'