"Crying Properly"

[Eh, what's wrong here?] Tianjin tilted her head. She looked around her to see any potential danger.

[Just keep an eye on Lai Jiayi. If she showed any weird symptoms…]

Zhao Yang's jaw tensed.

[Then that barmaid did something to my drink.]


Tianjin froze on the spot. The swan looked at Lai Jiayi with horror and pity in her eyes.

[Is this why she snatched your drink, master? Does she know the drink is spiked?]

[Maybe. I don't know how she knows that. Just watch her closely. Prepare to make an antidote anytime.]

Zhao Yang turned his body around so he could watch Lai Jiayi without missing her movement. At the same time, Lai Jiayi just finished arguing with Yaya.

The girl noticed Zhao Yang was looking at her. She tilted her head and smiled.

"B-boss, sorry I grabbed your drink…"

'Let's apologize first. I don't know since when Tan Xinya left, but this is a good opportunity.'