"Spilling All The Beans"

Zhao Yang was taken aback. The guy stared at Lai Jiayi's red eyes in astonishment. He couldn't help but ask again in a gentler voice than before. Now, it sounded like a whisper.

"Miss Lai? Are you alright– "

"No, I'm not!" Lai Jiayi gritted her teeth. She looked at Zhao Yang as if the guy was a bully. At this moment, the effect of the alcohol and the drug already took over the girl's mind.

All she wanted to do now was to pour out all her grievances.

"How can I'm okay, ah?? I feel soooo mad!" Lai Jiayi kicked the ground. The girl growled at Zhao Yang, acting like a wild beast.

Zhao Yang held his breath. He closed his eyes for a second before speaking in a calm tone.

"Why are you mad? Did I do something wrong?" The guy tilted his head, feigning innocent.

He had a face full of sincerity, looking as if he didn't do anything wrong.

Because he didn't.