"Shall Be Punished"


Lai Jiayi landed a soft punch to Zhao Yang's chest.

Yaya: (」゜ロ゜)」JIAAAA??

Yaya instantly shouted, [Jia, wait– ]

"T-there's also a case where you look at me as if I'm a pedophile! You got mad at me because of Zhao Yun kissing me!" Lai Jiayi half-shouted as she hit Zhao Yang's body with her paws for the second time.

The girl ignored Yaya for real.

[....ah whatever, quack.] Yaya, knowing he would be ignored until the end, instantly shut his mouth. He just stared at Lai Jiayi, who was still punching Zhao Yang's body.

Since the girl was a bit drunk and under the drug effect, her punch was actually so light without strength.

She just looked like a desperate little girl trying to hit an adult.

If this was at another moment, Zhao Yang might frown at the girl, thinking that she's insane. But right now, the man couldn't think so.

He looked down at the girl trying to hit his shoulders and chest. She tried her best while bawling like a little child.