"Ask Anything"

"C-compensation? Really??" Lai Jiayi asked in a shaky voice. The girl's cheeks flushed red from excitement.

"Yes. Name anything you want. I'll fulfill it." Zhao Yang nodded. He crossed his legs, taking an imposing pose. He looked several hundred more handsome in Lai Jiayi's mind now.

"A-anything?" Lai Jiayi's eyes sparkled. The girl was already thinking about all sorts of things she could ask.

'Maybe, I can ask him to pay my family's debt? Or my dad's hospital expenses?? But that's too expensive. Let's test the water for a bit.'

Lai Jiayi looked at Zhao Yang and patiently waited for the man to answer.

"Anything. As long as I can afford it, you can ask anything." Zhao Yang reaffirmed what he just said. He spoke in a resolute tone, not sounding like he's lying at all.

Even Tianjin was taken aback. She poked Zhao Yang's head and whispered through telepathy,