"Drinking Buddy"

Zhao Yang didn't know why, but he was stammering. His mind spun around, and his head went blank.

'Shouldn't this girl ask for her father's hospital expenses? Why is she asking something so trivial like accompanying me to drink?'

Seeing Zhao Yang's confused face, Lai Jiayi gritted her teeth. She silently cried in her heart.

'Boss, I also want to ask for money, ah! But I can't!!'

"I-I don't need dresses...you already gave a lot of clothes t-to me. As for money…" Lai Jiayi paused. She smiled sheepishly. "I-I can earn them by myself."

Zhao Yang's eyes shook. The guy subconsciously held his breath.

"So...you only want to...go to drink with me? To the bar? Like...now?" Zhao Yang asked in a small voice. The man still looked at Lai Jiayi as if she's an oddball.

'Weird. This girl is weird. I can't understand her.'