"Hunted Down"

"Huh?" Lai Jiayi blinked. She slightly opened her mouth and asked in a soft voice, "W-why is your origin a problem? A-are your biological parents dangerous or something…" 

"My biological parents– ah. I mean, my father." Zhao Yang coughed. "My biological father is the head of the number one mafia gang in this country." Zhao Yang spoke in a low voice. 

"The Scorpion." 

Lai Jiayi flinched. The girl gripped her arms tightly and stared at Zhao Yang in horror. 

'What? The Scorpion? The best and cruelest mafia gang in this country? Isn't that the mafia family inventing the eye for an eye gun technique?' 

Lai Jiayi recalled the technique Zhao Yang used when he played with Zhao Yun and her. He shot a bullet to face Zhao Yun's shot. 

An eye for an eye. 

"T-that…" Lai Jiayi shuddered. The pieces of the puzzle in her mind suddenly connected, completing a huge frame.