"His Savior" 

"Don't cry…" Zhao Yang stroked Lai Jiayi's head. He then moved his hand to the girl's back and gripped her right shoulder. 

"Uh...I am alright. So, don't cry, okay?" Zhao Yang pulled the girl closer, thinking that this was how he should comfort a girl. 

'I didn't expect her to cry. Why is she crying? I'm not hurt at all. Is she crying on my behalf then?' 

Since Lai Jiayi cried in silence, Yaya and the other AI hadn't noticed anything wrong. Thus, Zhao Yang couldn't tell them that the girl cried because of him. 

"I'll stop, okay? If you don't want to listen anymore– " 

"N-no. Please continue…" Lai Jiayi hiccuped. The girl glanced at Zhao Yang's hand on her shoulder and somehow felt warm instead. 

'Weird. I should fear men. But why– I don't dislike it when this guy touches me...' 

Zhao Yang fell silent. He kept staring at Lai Jiayi as the girl rubbed her eyes, trying to stop her tears.