"A Bet" 

You...why are you so adorable?! 

Zhao Yang's actions and words just sent one girl down to the hell of fangirling. 

'Fck. FCK. SLSNDJDNSJ. Not fairrrrrrr– bwah! Can you not be so tsundere?!' 

Lai Jiayi covered her mouth, suppressing her urge to scream and pinch Zhao Yang's cheeks. 

"O-okay, I won't move. I'll stay here. I-I just want to ask you one thing...I mean proposing something, " Lai Jiayi shifted back and spoke in slow motion. 

'I can't frighten this shy, prideful cat, right?' 

"What proposal?" Zhao Yang's voice was shaking as he asked. He still wished to be buried alive. 

"H-how about we make a bet?" Lai Jiayi asked carefully. She didn't want Zhao Yang to think bad of her and lowered the barometer. 

"Bet?" Zhao Yang paused. He stole a glance at Lai Jiayi's face and closed his eyes. 

"What bet?"