"Black Panther" 

...damn. DAMN THIS MOUTH!! 

Lai Jiayi panicked. She instantly tried to fix her words. "A-ah, n-no, that's a slip of tongue– BWAH! I mean– T-that is just a joke!!" 

Lai Jiayi was so worked up that she almost sprayed Zhao Yang with her saliva. The girl was panting hard as she half-standing, half-sitting, not knowing what to do with her position. 

Zhao Yang blinked. He didn't say anything for a few seconds before he curled his lips into a dark smile. 

"Hoo, a joke, hm? I swear I heard someone say that she's going to make me fall for her." Zhao Yang tapped his fingers on his knee as he brought his face closed to Lai Jiayi. 

"I wonder if you heard it too?" 

'I'm dead. He definitely heard it. He knows!! Ahhh!!' 

"N-no, boss, I didn't hear anything…" Lai Jiayi lied without batting an eyelid. But, the girl averted her eyes away from Zhao Yang since the man's face was inching closer to her face.