"Will Definitely Be Fun" 

Zhao Yang's body under his black blanket trembled. The man's imaginary cat ears and tail popped out again. His ears had been twitching non-stop while his tail hit the bed several times. 

'I'm crazy. I'm definitely crazy. Was I possessed??' 

Zhao Yang hit the pillow with his fists. The blanket on his body covered him up to his neck, only exposing a bit of his head. 

'I...am screwed.' 

Zhao Yang closed his eyes, and his face reddened even more. Now, his ears and neck also turned red. 

'Why did I do that?! Telling my story to that girl, and...even…' 

Zhao Yang abruptly opened his eyes. He crumpled the white bed sheet as he mumbled, 

"I even made a bet with her!" Zhao Yang slammed his face to the pillow. He swayed his legs and kicked the air as he rolled around. 

'Am I out of my mind? What kind of bet– I told her I'd help her overcome her phobia, and she would help me to move on??'