"Spotting a Certain Figure" 

Sunday, week 3. 

"Yaya, you ready?" Lai Jiayi combed her hair as she glanced at Yaya, who was still cleaning the bedroom for no reason when he never did so before. 

"Wait, quack, just a bit more!" Yaya answered as he tidied up Lai Jiayi's bed before the girl could do so. Seeing Yaya like this, Lai Jiayi sighed. She looked back at the full-body mirror in front of her. 

"Bunnie, do you know why Yaya is suddenly so diligent?" Lai Jiayi asked the floating blue rabbit next to her head as she tied her hair into a simple ponytail. 

"E-em, I-I don't know, milady...m-maybe because today is spring?" Bunnie tilted her head. Her voice was as cute and gentle as ever, sounding like the spring breeze. 

One could imagine a lot of flower petals flowing out of the bunny's mouth once she spoke.