
"Should we follow them, quack?" Yaya squinted his eyes. He had a better vision than Lai Jiayi. Thus, he could still see Qin Bai's figure. But, he didn't see Alfred, the woman's AI. 

"...okay, let's follow her, and then we go to the café to meet Liang'er." Lai Jiayi took out her phone and messaged Shan Liang as she followed Qin Bai from a distance. 

[I'll be there at 12 if I'm super late. Wait for me, okay?] 

"Alright, sent." Lai Jiayi gripped her phone and put it back in her pocket. She signaled Yaya to come closer as they tailed Qin Bai. 

The woman walked side-by-side with the drunk man, and both of them headed to a small alley behind the internet café. It was a different alley from the one Lai Jiayi visited before. 

[Why is Qin Bai entering that alley? Isn't it dangerous?] Lai Jiayi held her breath. She just couldn't shake off this dangerous feeling she felt in her heart.