"Helping A Rival" 

Qin Bai was in a daze, but the skinny man's shout from behind startled her awake. 

"Oy– hic! B*tch! Come back! Just you see, your son– hic! Wait!!" 

The drunk man tried to chase after Lai Jiayi and Qin Bai, but they were fast runners. Both of them arrived at the Shan Family's internet café before the skinny man could catch them. 

"Hurry, let's go inside. He won't dare to come in." Lai Jiayi dragged Qin Bai to the stairs and ran upstairs with her. The woman didn't protest and just obediently followed. 

Once the man saw that the two people disappeared after they entered an internet café, he stopped. The black-haired man ruffled his messy hair and turned around to leave. 

"Damn that b*tch. Just see!" He cursed as he wobbled away. 

At the same time, Lai Jiayi had just arrived on the third floor, the attic. It was her bedroom. The girl hurriedly let Qin Bai sit on her bed as she ran to the balcony to see if the man had left or not.