"Her Secret" 

[...it's alright. For now, let's just live here. I can ask the owner of this house to rent their spare room for me.] Qin Bai pushed on with her decision. 

'It's better to live with a kind rival rather than live with that monster. If only I can divorce him.' 

Seeing his mistress was so determined to stay, Alfred sighed. He fixed his tiny monocle, and reluctantly agreed. [Alright...but, please be careful around this girl, kukuk. We will only rent a room in this house.] 

[Yes, yes. Don't worry.] Qin Bai stroked Alfred's head and smiled. She then stood up before approaching Lai Jiayi. 

"...if you don't mind, can I live here just like your offer?" Qin Bai put on a bitter smile on her face. "Of course, just temporary. I'll also pay for the rent." 

"Hmmm, we need to ask Uncle Shan or Shan Liang, the owner of this house. Let's go. I'll take you to Uncle Shan." Lai Jiayi turned around and smiled. She signalled both Bunnie and Yaya to come with her.