"Yang Yang" 

Yaya was silent for a few seconds. He froze on the spot. Only after a few seconds, he looked at Lai Jiayi as if they hit the jackpot. 

[Ahhhh! That's right, quack! How did I not realize this?? Then, one less rival– ] 

[We won't snitch on her. Remember, if she loses, one thing she might lose is her son!] Lai Jiayi shook her head. [We better keep the secret until someone can ensure her son's safety.] 

[Ah...right…] Yaya lowered his head and sighed. He suddenly felt bad for planning to do such a harmful thing. 

[I wonder who is this someone that can help Qin Bai, though…] Lai Jiayi spoke again. The girl took a deep breath and decided to brush it off. 

Little did she know that this potential someone was currently inspecting one of the most famous interactive bots on the internet. 

"How is it going?" Zhao Yang leaned back in his chair as he leisurely rested at his house's office. "Have you bought that thing?"