"Tsundere Bot"

"No, no, I don't think I need this bot." Lai Jiayi refused, but Yaya ignored her. He pointed at the keyboard with his wings. 

"Here, just reply with anything, quack!" 

'...replying to this arrogant bot? Why do I feel that– something is fishy here??' 

Lai Jiayi doubted the bot, but she changed her mind. 

'If this bot is safe...maybe I should try chatting with it. I don't have anything to do now, after all.' 

"Okay, okay, I'll reply." The girl reluctantly agreed. 

'But what should I type?' 

"Hmmm…." Lai Jiayi shut her eyes for a few seconds, thinking of what she should say. The girl then opened her eyes and typed on the keyboard. 

|Hey, Yang Yang, nice to meet you 🧡 I'm doing good!| 

"There. Sent." Lai Jiayi sent the message, and it hadn't been two seconds when the cat figure jumped. Its blue eyes sparkled as he waved his front paw. 

But then he suddenly turned his face away from Lai Jiayi.