"Making An Art" 

Lai Jiayi stared at the message with a pale face. She was betting everything into this one text. 

'I purposely use 'sweet dreams', so that Zhao Yang will choose to reply to the first sentence, which is a good night greeting. It will be too awkward for him if he also says sweet dreams, right?' 

Clutching onto this hope, Lai Jiayi waited for Zhao Yang's reply. The half-sleepy duck was also peeking at Lai Jiayi's phone without saying anything. 

A few seconds passed by, and a message came to Lai Jiayi's phone. 

|Yes. Good night.| 

"HURRAAH!!" Lai Jiayi almost threw her phone to the air as she stood up. The girl looked at Yaya with tears in her eyes. "I did it, Yaya!" 

Zhao Yang said good night to me! As expected, he really wouldn't say something so sweet like 'sweet dreams.' 

"Yes, quack, you did it! Congrats, quackkkk!" Yaya was also happy for Lai Jiayi. He hugged the girl's neck and snuggled his cheek to the girl's.