"Love Poem"

"Art?" Yaya asked as he saw Lai Jiayi write something on the foggy glass wall. Her forefinger moved, creating a few sentences. 

There were four lines; each of them had a few words. One could immediately see that it was a poem made on a clouded glass wall. 

The words didn't look that pretty since the girl wrote it using her finger, but somehow, it was big enough to cover half of the glass wall. 

The four sentences were now as tall as Lai Jiayi. The girl even needed to crouch to write the last word in the last sentence. 

"Mm. Done." Lai Jiayi patted her knees and stood up. She had used 15 minutes just to make the glass wall foggy. She arrived here 15 minutes earlier than usual, only to create this masterpiece. 

"This…" Yaya gasped. He looked at the 'art' Lai Jiayi spoke about as the faint sunlight came through the glass window, shining the four sentences made on a foggy area. 

It looked pretty.