"Taking An Empty Spot" 

[Eh, you want to use the gacha ticket right away, quack?] Yaya tilted his head. He saw the illusion of the gacha ticket appearing in front of Lai Jiayi, and his eyes were the one creating it. 

[Yes. Last time, we got something good, right? I think we finally have some luck. Shouldn't we try the gacha right away?] Lai Jiayi was all smiles as she looked at the gacha ticket image in front of her.

'I don't know why, but lately, lady luck is on my side. I keep getting a valuable item from the gacha ticket.' 

[Hmmm, okay, quack, if you want. But before that, I'll have to tell you something, quack.] Yaya gulped. He waved his wing, and the hologram screen in front of Lai Jiayi changed. 

Now, the view showed the game's shop containing a lot of items to buy. 

[What is it? Isn't this shop?] Lai Jiayi squinted her eyes at the numerous shelves-like design on the screen. It looked like a shop at an online game.