"Lady Luck" 

[This is our chance, quack! Zhao Yang will surely pick you over the other housemaid candidates, as he's already familiar with you, quack. Then...we can get a better job!!] 

Yaya wanted to roll around in the air, but he stopped. He looked at Lai Jiayi with a serious face. 

[Accept, quack. Accept!!] 

[Okay, okay, I will! I'm not dumb enough to refuse.] Lai Jiayi rubbed her palms together as she wet her lips with her tongue. The girl then clicked on the 'accept' offer. 

TING! [You have accepted the chance to get the housemaid job. We will inform you later once the capture target decides it.] 

Lai Jiayi instantly sighed in relief. She patted her chest while looking at Yaya with a grin on her face. 

[I accepted the chance! Now, it's only a matter of time to get Zhao Yang's approval.]