"You Sound Disappointed" 


Lai Jiayi had goosebumps when she saw the seat across Zhao Yang was empty. Even the one next to him was also empty. She couldn't see Zhao Yun's figure anywhere. 

Shit! If I'm alone with Zhao Yang, I don't know if I won't fear him or not. And...why the heck did he go alone?? 

Lai Jiayi was trembling as she approached the seat across Zhao Yang. The young man still didn't notice her presence because his eyes were focusing on his hologram screen

"U-uh, good afternoon?" Lai Jiayi greeted Zhao Yang using Bunnie's voice. The girl just lip-syncs while taking her seat across Zhao Yang. 

Zhao Yang's finger on the screen paused. He lifted his head and nodded. "Afternoon. You are here." The young man hadn't realised Lai Jiayi's voice sounded so different than usual. 

But, it didn't mean his AI also didn't know.