"Fly-like Drone" 

Lai Jiayi held her breath as she entered Zhao Yang's car. As usual, she sat at the right side while Zhao Yun took the centre. 

The girl had just come in when the sight of the driver in front of her seat came into view. The driver's dark purple cap with a weird bloody red word 'CRAP' was an attention grabber. 

'...Chu Feng?' 

Lai Jiayi fixed her sitting position as she observed the young girl in front of her. Since the seat was now transparent rather than white, she could see her attire rather clearly. 

The paled-skin girl was wearing a white tank top with a barcode pattern at the back. She also used a jersey, but it was only half-worn, exposing her shoulders and back. 

Even in such cold autumn, this girl wore short pants with a black-yellow belt. Her socks were made out of net stockings, and only her shoes looked quite warm. 

Lai Jiayi couldn't help but scoff at Chu Feng's appearance.