"Cried Like A Waterfall" 

Lai Jiayi almost slipped and fell once she saw the twin-tail girl run toward them and rushed to Zhao Yang's place.

'FCK!! Why is Xiu Mei here?! She's not usually around the apartment at this time, right??' 

Lai Jiayi's face turned pale. She glared at the girl who already started to speak to Zhao Yang. 

"Mei Mei has been waiting for you, big bro~ " Xiu Mei used her coy voice to speak to Zhao Yang. She fidgeted and blushed like a bashful girl, but that only made Lai Jiayi get goosebumps. 

Uekh! So cringy!! 

Even Zhao Yun frowned at the little girl. The girl was five years older than him, yet she acted like a spoiled 10-years-old brat. 

"Good evening, Xiu Mei." Zhao Yang nodded. He carefully patted Xiu Mei's head, not noticing the other two people's reaction. 

"Why are you here, though? And why are you waiting for me?" Zhao Yang retracted his head as he asked Xiu Mei with a thin smile on his face.