"F*cked Up" 

"S-sorry, Mei won't call big bro anymore...M-mei just...just…" The girl's voice was shaking. Tears started to drip down her dark purple eyes. 

"Hik. Hiks. Uhh...s-sorry, sorry..." Xiu Mei rubbed her eyes until it became red. 

The girl started to sob quietly in front of the three. 

'...this is so f*cked up.' 

Lai Jiayi shook her head and peeked at Zhao Yang's face. The young man's forehead had been crumpled hard until one couldn't say that he's frowning anymore. 

It was more than just a frown. 

'Oh, no. He is mad. He is mad! Zhao Yun, you…run– ' 

"Yun Yun." Zhao Yang suddenly called out to the boy with a deep voice. His voice sounded so cold and without emotion that Zhao Yun subconsciously flinched. 

"Y-yes, uncle– " 

"Apologize. How could you say that to Xiu Mei?" Zhao Yang scowled. The man's eyes glinted in a dangerous light, and he looked like he's about to explode as well.