"If Only" 

The attempt was successful, but it didn't mean Lai Jiayi could celebrate yet. 

"Ugh…" Lai Jiayi bit her lips. A drop of sweat slid down her cheek, and the pain slowly escalated. 

'I didn't think getting grazed by this knife would feel this painful!! What a sharp knife! Fck!' 

Lai Jiayi wanted to cry, but she didn't waste her time. The girl inhaled deeply, ignoring Yaya's and Bunnie's worried expression. 

The two AI sucked in a cold breath, hissing in pain as if they felt the pain Lai Jiayi felt. 

Before the two AI could exhale their breath, Lai Jiayi already shrieked in a loud voice. 

"Ah– " 

Her shriek was quite loud, yet it didn't finish until the end. The girl's shout stilled when a red panel popped out in front of her eyes. 

TING! [Player Chu is attempting to use 'Dominance' skill on you.] 



[Player Chu is using the 'Activation rate booster'!]