"The Rule Breaker" 

[Warning. The player's AI can't break the skill applied by another player.] 

[Warning. The AI has to follow the skill used on their master.] 

[Warning. The player will get an instant elimination if the AI breaks the rule.] 

Bunnie's body halted mid-air. The blue rabbit's eyes opened wide at the numerous red panels issuing a warning for her. 

What? I also can't contact Zhao Yang? 

Bunnie's bright eyes slowly turned dark. Clouds covered her pupil, and the last ray of hope disappeared. 

What...what to do? Should we just let this slide and give up? But...milady...is hurt…

Bunnie bit her lips. She stared at Lai Jiayi, who was wobbling to cut the vegetables with soulless eyes. 

No. Even if we fail the mission, I have to treat Milady's wound! But if I can...I have to let those two know about this. 

Bunnie refused to give up. The rabbit looked around the kitchen with determined eyes.