"Your True Value" 

Zhao Yun couldn't help but call out to the duck. He slowly dismissed the hologram panels around his eyesight. 

"Yaya, you okay?" Zhao Yun rubbed Yaya's bald head as he whispered in a low voice so that he wouldn't startle his uncle or Tianjin. 

Yaya flinched. The duck hurriedly wiped his non-existent tears and turned around with a wry smile on his small, yellow face. 

"I'm fine, young master. Why do you ask, quack?" Yaya asked casually, yet his voice was trembling and a bit hoarse than usual. 

He couldn't fool Zhao Yun's eyes at all. 

Zhao Yun slowly scooped Yaya to his palm, and he gently lifted the duck so that he could see him eye to eye. 

"Yaya, are you feeling down? What's wrong? You don't look good…" Zhao Yun squinted. He might look scary with his eyes like that, but one could see a deep concern in his eyes. 

Yaya felt like his heart just melted. 

How? How did this boy notice?