"Just Believe Me!" 

"My true...value, quack?" Yaya blinked his large eyes. The duck was bewildered for a moment. 

What does that mean? My true value? What value do I even have? 

As Yaya thought like that, Zhao Yun looked down at the duck with a smile on his face. 

"Aish, if you keep thinking negatively of yourself, you won't be able to unlock your value, okay?" Zhao Yun rubbed Yaya's head. 

"Remember, you are valuable. There's only one duck AI in the whole world, and my uncle added a special skill for you, which other AIs won't have." 

"Well, but I don't know my skill yet, quack…" Yaya grumbled. He wished he had a manual from Zhao Yang so that he knew what kind of special skill he had. 

"Don't worry. You will know soon. If the one who buys you from my uncle's company doesn't know your special skill yet, it means your skill might be the real deal."