"Formidable Spy" 

Seeing Zhao Yun laughed, Yaya flinched. He glared at the boy with red eyes. 

"Why are you laughing, quack?? Is there anything funny– " 

"Don't look so serious, ah. You see, I believe you." Zhao Yun puffed his cheeks. He crossed his legs and shook his head at Yaya. 

"Anyway, the reason why you have such low esteem is because of your previous master." Zhao Yun nodded to himself. 

That's a match with my hypothesis. No wonder Yaya can't use his skill to the fullest. Thankfully he's now with Miss Witch, and if Miss knows about Yaya's true skill, she might be able to help him. 


"B-because of my previous master, quack? Well, you can say that…" Yaya weakly nodded. 

"B-but, what can I do, quack...when the head of the maintenance team said that I'm a defect, quack…" 

One had no choice but to believe it, no?