"Can't Remember" 

Didn't the game company say that they will dispose of me if I fail to contract the player for "Get His Love" Game? And the player is none other than Jia? 

This...makes no sense! 

"B-but...why don't they just sell me to another person if they find me troublesome, quack?" Yaya trembled hard. 

Yeah, why? 

Zhao Yun clicked his tongue at Yaya's innocent remarks. 

"Selling you? Why would they sell something as valuable as you? What if one day, a customer can get on your good side and control you? Those people wouldn't want that." 

Zhao Yun shook his head. 

"That's why I'm shocked that your previous master is willing to sell you to Miss Witch's father." 

"A-ah…" Yaya didn't stop trembling. His eyes shook, and sweat started to flow down his forehead.