"Why Am I So Worried?" 

Zhao Yang subconsciously knitted his eyebrows due to these uncomfortable, stuffy feelings in his chest. 

I don't remember what happened before I fell asleep, but surely, something big must have occurred. 

Otherwise, I wouldn't have this uneasy feeling. 

But what happened? Zhao Yun didn't say anything...so nothing should happen to that girl, right? 

Zhao Yang pursed his lips, unable to grasp what he actually felt. 

"...nothing happened when I was asleep, right?" Zhao Yang decided to ask Zhao Yun right away, which actually made the kid flinch. 

"N-no, nothing happened." Zhao Yun grinned, yet his smile didn't reach his eyes. He silently panicked inside while his back was drenched from sweat. 

Why is my uncle so sharp about useless things yet so dense when it comes to his personal life?!