"Why, tho?" 

Tianjin couldn't really put her finger on this matter, but Zhao Yun already grasped it. The boy silently watched over Zhao Yang as the man sat across him. 

...let's see. I know why my uncle was showing such a reaction over a small incident when he didn't act like that over a bigger incident. 

The truth is– when Miss Witch was involved in the kidnapping incident, her wound was much more severe than now, but at that time…

My uncle didn't have any strong feelings toward Miss Witch. 

Yet now, I'm sure that my uncle has started to think of Miss Witch as one of his people. A close one, maybe. Even though he said, they're just drinking buddies…

It won't take long for my uncle to accept the fact that he thinks of Miss Witch as a close friend, or maybe more. 

And that's why, with my uncle's worrywart nature, he's bound to panic if he knew that Miss Witch was wounded.