"The Third Test Begins" 

Zhao Yang, you dumbass, why are you staring at me with such a gaze?! I might die, you know?? 

Lai Jiayi broke in a cold sweat. She clenched her fists she put on her lap and didn't lift her head even for a second. 

Zhao Yang's gaze on her is just too intense. 

"Eh, uncle, don't stare at Miss Witch like that. You will scare her! Or is it because you forgot about her?" Zhao Yun suddenly chipped in. His mischievous tone of voice successfully eased the ambiguous atmosphere. 

"...nonsense. I'm just checking whether our housemaid candidate is doing her job well or not." Zhao Yang clicked his tongue as he shifted his gaze away from Lai Jiayi. 

Thanks to Zhao Yun's sudden remark, he started to question himself. 

….why did I even stare at that girl? Is it because I feel a lot more relieved after I see her? But is that even possible? What's wrong with me today?