"Newly Updated Yaya" 

Thursday, Week 4 

"Mmmm…" Lai Jiayi woke up from her phone's loud notification. 

Bzzt. Bzzt. Ting! Ting! 

"What…?" The girl crawled out of the bed while avoiding Shan Liang, who was sleeping next to her. The girl nudged Bunnie to wake up before striding to the study desk to check her phone. 

What's with my phone? I'm sure I turned it off last night. How could I get a notification? 

The girl in pyjamas rubbed her eyes and yawned. She then scratched her messy hair while Bunnie floated beside her, looking as sleepy as her master. 

[M-milady, what's wrong? Did Yaya come back already?] The bunny asked in a hoarse voice. Her voice was still cute, though. 

[I don't know. I just heard the notification coming from my phone, but I don't see anything in my mind. Is it not from the game?]