"Black Choker"

"Bunnie, can you check Yaya's status? I'll also check it, but let's check it together, " Lai Jiayi walked to the shopkeeper table and sat down. 

"Y-yes, milady, I can check Yaya's status. Let's see it together." Bunnie's eyes flashed in blue before various panels popped out in front of her eyes. 

The same case went for Lai Jiayi. She had several yellow panels appearing in the air, showing Yaya's new status. 

'I wonder what will change…' 

The girl's heart had been pounding hard ever since she saw Yaya with a slightly different appearance. 

Yaya had a small black choker around his neck, and that's new. 

Feeling expectant, Lai Jiayi carefully read the first yellow panel. 

[Yaya, Player Lai's guide AI updated features.] 

The update shall release all the sealed persona and alter-ego of the AI. Do take notes that your AI might change his personality depending on the situation.