"Will Be Embarrassing"

While Zhao Yang was in a dilemma to feed Lai Jiayi, the rescue team found him. The group then moved to the helicopter and rushed to the hospital. 

Sitting at the back seat of the helicopter were Zhao Yang, Zhao Yun, and Lai Jiayi. Ji Zhuang was taken by another helicopter because her condition was quite worrying. 

Lai Jiayi's condition was also worrying, but Zhao Yang didn't let Lai Jiayi ride another helicopter. He didn't want to be separated from her until he was sure that she would live. 

The same went for Zhao Yun. The boy was in a deep sleep. After the military doctor inside the helicopter checked Zhao Yun's condition, he reported to Zhao Yang with a solemn face. 

"The young master received a massive shock and trauma. He...he is in a coma right now, but he should wake up in three days." The doctor dressed in a white elastic space-like suit shuddered as he spoke.