
The doctor knew a solution to this problem, but he couldn't imagine how Zhao Yang would agree to do that. And so, he very generously offered himself. 

"Boss, I suggest feeding her the pill mouth-to-mouth. If the boss is reluctant to do it, this doctor will do it for you– " the doctor said sternly and was ready to feed Lai Jiayi when Zhao Yang shot a glare. 

"What did you say?" The young man's face darkened. His voice became as cold as the coldest winter. One couldn't feel any warmth from the man. 


The doctor almost peed his pants. He even jerked a bit and quickly coughed. 

Is the boss angry because he has to feed the girl mouth-to-mouth? Can be! Maybe he didn't hear that I'll be doing it for him. 

The doctor couldn't help but have such thoughts because who didn't know Zhao Yang's deep love toward his deceased lover?