"Zhao Yang's Mom"

Zhao Yang could imagine how worried his parents must be. Or maybe judging from their personalities, they might fly to this hospital and drag him to go back to the mansion. 

Zhao Yang's lips twitched when he thought of that. His future seemed bleak if he couldn't explain himself. His parents were really overprotective, especially his mom. 

His father might be less overprotective, but that old man was a weirdo. Zhao Yang felt that his dad would directly wage war with whoever was behind the ambush. 

His dad was that bold. And that's not good for his health when that oldie was already around 60. 

Just when the man was contemplating, his staff arrived with a pack of rice balls. The male staff handed the food silently before tottering away. 

Munching his rice balls, Zhao Yang disregarded any of his CEO charisma. The man looked more like a hungry wolf staring at his bangle with eager eyes. 

Call. Or not? Call. Or not–