"Chu Feng's Request"

Zhao Yang scratched his hair and sighed. He turned off his bangle and started to finish the rice balls in his hand. In just a few minutes, the young man swallowed all the rice balls, leaving only a few grains sticking to his fingers. 

"Fuuh…" Zhao Yang let out a sigh. He then licked his finger not to waste even a single grain. Thanks to this incident, he knew how precious food was. 

He was terribly hungry back then! 

Just when Zhao Yang finished his food, the silence corridor was suddenly noisy. The sound of someone hurried footsteps rang throughout the hall, and the next second, a figure appeared. 

"B-boss!" The voice of a young girl sounded. Her voice shook as she called out to Zhao Yang, which the latter calmly raised his head. 


Zhao Yang's eyes landed on the young girl's figure running toward him. Her short silver hair was in a mess, and she was panting hard to breathe.