"We Enter Now?!" 

Lai Jiayi was drooling at Zhao Yang's handsome appearance, not knowing that the young man also scrutinised her from head to toe. His eyes flickered in a mysterious light, and the next moment...

TING! [Barometer rises!] 

Lai Jiayi almost swallowed the hairdryer on the table. 

The heck?! The barometer suddenly rises? 

Lai Jiayi glanced at Yaya and Bunnie, asking for their understanding. 

Since when it's so easy to raise the barometer? 

Even Bunnie and Yaya were stunned. They saw the barometer rose from 75% to 77%, rising by 2%! 

With just another 3%, Lai Jiayi would enter the romantic interest area, becoming the first player of Zhao Yang's route ever to touch this sector…

Yaya and Bunnie looked at each other before shaking their heads. 

Did the barometer rise because Zhao Yang is mesmerised by Jia? 

Maybe milady's beauty subdued him!