"Unseen Trouble: Phobia" 

"Y-yes?!" The girl raised her voice a bit, only to get drowned by the guests' lively chatter behind the door. 

Even though the door would lead to a stage taller than the floor where those guests stayed below, the noise still travelled this far. 

It just made her more nervous! 

But Zhao Yang didn't notice it. He had his usually calm face as he asked in a hushed voice. 


"...I guess..?" Lai Jiayi wasn't sure. She put a wry smile on her pale face. The girl honestly looked as if she's about to faint anytime. Only then Zhao Yang noticed that something was wrong. 

He furrowed his eyebrows and stretched his hand. "Are you alright? You're not sick, right?" Zhao Yang pressed the back of his palm to Lai Jiayi's forehead, trying to feel her body temperature. 

...it's just slightly warm. No fever. Then why is she so pale? Is it because her male phobia is triggered again? There would be a lot of young males at the reception hall…