"Emergency! About To Faint!" 

The moment the staff announced Zhao Yang's arrival, the initially lively venue quieted down. It went so quiet that everyone could hear their own breathing. 

The silence went for a few seconds before the classical music in the background resumed, and the singer continued to sing in her angel-like voice. 

At the same time, the wooden gate behind the small stage opened with a creaking sound. The sound echoed throughout the 3-story high hall. 

Accompanying the opening of the gate were two striking figures slowly walking out. Each of them straightened their back and had this awe-striking aura. 

Behind them, two tiny AI, one a chibi and one a swan bolted out in elegance. 

Ting. Ting. 

The lavish crystal chandelier dangled on the ceiling while its seven-coloured light softly landed upon these two figures, illuminating their whole being as they moved.