"Mr Zhao! ×70" 

The guests couldn't believe their eyes. 

Even Zhao Yang's parents, Zhao Zin and Zhao Lan, who was watching all of this from the corner of the hall, couldn't help but gasp. 

"Honey. Did a ghost possess our son?" Zhao Zin gulped. He put down the wine glass on his hand as he cast a meaningful look at his wife. 

"I think so, my dear. Maybe Xiao Yang got struck by a thunder…" Zhao Lan hugged her arms as she leaned her head to her husband's chest. 

Wrapped in a backless mermaid red dress with the dress' top swirling around her neck like a necklace, Zhao Lan's figure was stunning enough to attract several young men who didn't know the woman was actually a grandma. 

Zhao Lan ignored the young men's fiery gaze and continued to watch her son from a distance. 

"I hope the photo session ends soon. Xiao Yang has to introduce his girlfriend to us!" Zhao Lan smirked, and her attractive eyes twinkled like a sly fox.