"Let's Meet My Parents" 

The guests didn't keep their dignity as wealthy families at all and competed to greet Zhao Yang, hoping the man would notice them. 

Well, one couldn't blame them for their impertinent behaviour. If this were other big shots' parties, they would calmly wait until the host came to them and talked for a bit.

But they couldn't do so with this freak! 

After all, Zhao Yang had a habit of talking to the guest for only 10 minutes before leaving to speak to his parents. 

After that, the party would resume with several games or other ceremonies, but the host was nowhere to be seen. 

He would only appear when it's time to receive the gifts…

That's why the guests were eager to talk to Zhao Yang! They swarmed him like bees and butterflies.

Zhao Yang was already used to this, but Lai Jiayi wasn't. She was in the middle of the crowd with a number of young men approaching her, only giving her space around a meter to move around.