"Greeting His Parents" 

Lai Jiayi almost kicked the bucket, a.k.a died when Zhao Yang suddenly introduced her to his parents. 

Gah. Zhao Yang! Why would you mention me, ah?! This isn't in the script! You said you would only meet your parents and I'll wait behind…

And is this how you introduce me to your parents?! That's so casual! 

Lai Jiayi shed blood in her heart as she clutched Lord Yang, blocking his foul mouth from spewing nonsense. 

The girl wanted to curse Zhao Yang and pretend she got a stomach ache to avoid his parents, but thinking twice, she didn't do that. 

Okay, okay, forget it. Now I have to greet Zhao Yang's parents, and it's not so bad. It's a chance to improve my relationship with Zhao Yang! If I can leave a good impression on these two…

I'll secure my way to seduce Zhao Yang!