"So Easy To Be Bullied" 

Zhao Yang hoped that his mom wouldn't blabber nonsense and treated him as a kid in front of Lai Jiayi, but alas, his dad broke his little wish. 

"That's right, Miss Lai! My naughty son owes you a life debt so don't hesitate to slave him away!" Zhao Zin joined the fry as he laughed out loud. 

The sly old man even slapped Zhao Yang's butt, almost embarrassing Zhao Yang to death. 

Dad! Slave me your a*s! 

Zhao Yang's face flushed red as he strode to the group and immediately stood in front of Lai Jiayi, blocking her from his parents. 

"Don't listen to them, Jiayi. They're just joking." Zhao Yang tried to sound tough, but his red face betrayed him. 

He could never hold his dignity in front of his parents. Thank God they never embarrassed him in front of the clients or other important guests. If that happened, he might hang his head already.