"Yun Yun, Don't Cry" 

That green guy worked in the political area, Zhao Yang was in the business area. Those two areas were right across from each other. 

The distance between areas was quite significant even with technology's help unless one used a teleportation gate, though. 

In summary, all five capture targets lived and worked far away from each other. That means the players would also be far away from the other routes' players. 

That's why the players, including Lai Jiayi, didn't meet each other all this time. It's simply because Zhao Yang didn't have any interaction with the other capture targets, and vice versa. 

For the fifth guy, the special force...that was even more mysterious. No one knew where he lived or worked. Now, how the hell the players of that route could meet the other players then? 

Lai Jiayi pondered for a while. She was still curious about the possibility of the players meeting each other.