"What's With This Perfume?" 

In no time, Zhao Yun felt his cheek turn hot from the friction. Even fire suddenly broke out from the doll's head! 

Zhao Yun's face sunk. 

"Fck– get off!" The boy finally couldn't endure it anymore and flung away the doll as far as he could. 

He suddenly regretted being kind to this frick. 

I should have known that this doll is so crazy!! 

Zhao Yun bit his lips. He suddenly wanted to cry, but he had no tears left to shed. The boy could only endure this torture while wishing his uncle a 'good' life! 

Back to the party. 

Zhao Yang already shook off the people who tried to follow him to chat with him. He just left Lai Jiayi for 15 minutes, and now he came back to the balcony with his hair slightly messy. 

"I'm back…" Zhao Yang grumbled. The moment he stepped out to the balcony, he immediately closed the door behind him and even locked it. The man then slumped to the small chair at the corner of the balcony.