The fifth (7)

"It seems interesting, but it is missing something, right?" Kate asked.

"It is missing a lot, but as long as it can be improved, it is fine by me," Billy said. "You should train with the same thing in mind."

Kate knew that, but it has been quite a while since she felt so stagnant. Still, she decided to leave it at that when she recalled that Billy hadn't learned many skills as of late either. He spent months trying to come up with that quick movement skill and yet, he didn't give up. Billy had yet to learn how to create the other elements. He was making even less progress than her, but Billy knew that his hard work would never betray him. That was why he never stopped his routine of training..

"That skill is consuming less mana as of late due to Spiritual Core, but it isn't enough given that it has so many limitations," Billy thought. "Since the system doesn't recognize it yet, then it can't level up."